Here is an example of the math involved in making a conversion from
decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds or DMS. DMS is very
similar to clock time hours, minutes, seconds. Each hour (day) is
divided into 60 minutes and each minute is divided into 60 seconds.
We are going to convert Latitude 30.181360 and Longitude -85.781929 to Degrees : Minutes :Seconds
First lets tackle the Latitude of 30.181360
- Keep the whole degrees (30) and put that in the D field.
D = 30, M = ?, S=?
- Take everything to the right of the decimal point and the decimal
point and multiply by 60 like this...
0.181360 x 60 = 10.8816 This is the decimal number of minutes.
- ;Keep the whole minutes (10) and put that in the M field. D = 30, M=10, S=?
- Take everything to the right of the decimal point and the decimal
point and multiply by 60 like this...
0.8816 x 60 = 52.896 This is the decimal number of seconds.
Put this number in the S field D = 30, M = 10, S = 52.896 Now keep the 52 for
seconds. Since the decimal part of the seconds is larger than 0.50 you would round up the seconds to 53.
- So you enter 30:10:53 into the hand controller input field.
The Gemini hand controller does not show Seconds on the
Site page, but you can enter it in the input box on the entry page.